S.W.A.T. Season 7 Episode 4


Serve • Protect • Unite

A locally born and bred S.W.A.T. lieutenant is torn between loyalty to the streets and duty to his fellow officers when he's tasked to run a highly-trained unit that's the last stop for solving crimes in Los Angeles.

Genre: Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller

Stars: Shemar Moore, Alex Russell, Lina Esco

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6111130/

Premiere: Nov 2, 2017 (United States)

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S07E04 Spare Parts

SWAT hunts down a Chilean arms dealer after he kidnaps a woman and her daughter from a party in L.A. with unexpected intentions. Crossing paths with his brother, Tan is forced to come clean to his family about his divorce from Bonnie, while Hondo discovers that Hicks has received a job offer that could lure him away from SWAT.

Season Number: 7
Episode Number: 4
Episode Title: Spare Parts
Air Date: 2024-03-08


