S.W.A.T. Season 7 Episode 6


Serve • Protect • Unite

A locally born and bred S.W.A.T. lieutenant is torn between loyalty to the streets and duty to his fellow officers when he's tasked to run a highly-trained unit that's the last stop for solving crimes in Los Angeles.

Genre: Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller

Stars: Shemar Moore, Alex Russell, Lina Esco

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6111130/

Premiere: Nov 2, 2017 (United States)

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S07E06 Escape

After a prison transport van overturns, Hondo and the team hunt down three female fugitives, including a serial killer on the verge of a rampage. Also, with Annie’s return to work, Deacon struggles to maintain a work life balance, and Luca does his best to teach Kelly to drive.

Season Number: 7
Episode Number: 6
Episode Title: Escape
Air Date: 2024-03-15


