Walker Season 4 Episode 3


Surrender to yourself.

The reboot of the 1993 series focusing on Walker as he returns from years undercover. A widower and father of two, he begins fighting crime with a new partner, who is one of the only female Rangers in history.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Lindsey Morgan, Keegan Allen

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11006642/

Premiere: Jan 21, 2021 (United States)

  • Type
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S04E03 Lessons from the Gift Shop

Trey and Liam try to help Walker figure out his next steps with Geri. Liam confides in Walker that he’s worried about Stella. Meanwhile, Stella and Sadie look into recent events. August begins his bootcamp training and it is not what he expected. Liam helps Cassie sift through the clutter. Lastly, the family works together on a fundraiser.

Season Number: 4
Episode Number: 3
Episode Title: Lessons from the Gift Shop
Air Date: 2024-04-17


